Monday, December 28, 2015


Recent Discoveries    SUPPORTING EVIDENCE

Why can we find the same plants and animal species on continents that are thousands of miles apart from each other?
If Atlantis existed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, it would have served as a land bridge between these continents, allowing the animals and plants (via the animals) to migrate between. Experts in many different fields of research, not Atlantis experts, have stated that they think there must have been a land mass connecting the continents together somehow.
In the Timaeus dialogue, Plato said
Atlantis was "the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent".
Also, can it be mere coincidence that several ancient cultures seem to have spontaneously acquired certain knowledge and skills that were seemingly beyond their level of development at the time? The ability to build a perfect pyramid for example, this skill could not have been developed by several different cultures independently of each other in such a short period of time. One theory is that they inherited this knowledge from a previous culture.
The Atlanteans were said to possess advanced skills and knowledge, particularly of engineering, consider the sophisticated irrigation systems and the canals as described by Plato. It is a possibility that the Atlanteans were the original pyramid builders, and they shared their knowledge with their neighbours.
The pyramids are extremely sophisticated structures, often built so that their angles align perfectly with constellations in the heavens or with perfect north south east and west.German Author Erich von Däniken believes these coincidences are attributable to "ancient astronauts", aliens who visited Earth in ancient times and shared technologies with the ancient people. And a lot of people believe that the inhabitants of Atlantis were in fact aliens. They were said to be taller than the average person, more beautiful, etc.
There have been suggestions they may have been aliens fleeing their own recently destroyed planet (Mars has been implicated), and they landed on earth and colonized Atlantis.    There are many bizarre theories..