Monday, December 28, 2015


 Where was Atlantis ?

This is where the believers are divided.
None of the explanations put forward by Atlantologists stay 100% true to Plato's description. Major pieces of his description are often conveniently overlooked so that a researcher's particular theory makes more sense. For example, the location of Atlantis is quite clearly described by Plato, but researchers have nonetheless "found" Atlantis pretty much everywhere else.
Here are a few of the proposed locations, and the books written about them:
(You can get the basic idea of each theory by reading the blurb on the back cover or reading the reviews)

Antarctica : " The Atlantis Blueprint " by Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath
Thera : " " by Charles R. Pellegrino
Thera : " "
Thera : " " by Walter L. Friedrich, translated by Alexander R. McBirney
Cyprus : " " by Robert Sarmast
Central America : " " by Ivar Zapp & George Erikson

Central America : " " by Lewis Spence & Paul Tice

Tdheories on the Destruction


The most popular is the he destruction of Atlantis are exactly what Plato described, earthquakes and floods. The floods more than likely attributable to the tidal waves that would have been caused by the earthquakes.

Another theory is that there was a volcano on the island that errupted with such force that the island was buried in molten lava.

Yet another theory is that an asteroid hit the Island, exerting the destructive power of hundreds of atomic bombs.

Someone has even put forward the idea that Atlantis was purposely flooded by extra terrestrials in an attempt to kill some rebels of their own planet who fled here to Earth and landed in Atlantis, where they interbred with humans.