Tuesday, February 9, 2016



The Archaeological Conservancy is a charitable organization dedicated to identifying, acquiring and preserving the most significant archaeological sites in the United States. The Conservancy is currently in the process of acquiring a site called Creswell Ranch, near Homolovi Ruins State Park in Arizona, which may shed light on the thirteenth-century ancestors of the Hopi people.
The Hopi probably descend from the builders of the extensive ruins at Homolovi. Hopi elders still make pilgrimages to that site, and they have sanctioned the Conservancy's Creswell project. The Conservancy, in turn, will make Creswell available for Hopi ceremonies.
The Conservancy is also acquiring additional acreage at Yellowjacket Pueblo in Colorado's Montezuma Valley. This site is important for understanding the last phase of the Anasazi occupation that included the spectacular Cliff Palace of Monte Verde National Park. The Conservancy needs to raise $28,000 by November 1 for its Yellowjacket preserve and $40,000 by December for Creswell Ranch. Let's help them do it! Become a member of the Archaeological Conservancy by sending a check (or a request for membership information) to:
The Archaeological Conservancy
5301 Central Avenue NE, Suite 1218
Albuquerque, NM 87108-9899
Suggested amounts are $25, $45, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 (Life Membership) or $2,000 (Anasazi Circle). Membership benefits include the superb quarterly magazine "American Archaeology".
(This Web site is not affiliated with the Arc